2024 Memorial Day Observances -- Programs offered on Saturday, May 25th and Monday, May 27th
The Medford Township Council & Medford VFW Post #7677 are pleased to announce that they will hold Medford’s Annual Memorial Day Parade & Observances on Monday, May 27th, beginning at 11:00 a.m.
As a reminder, the Parade route was changed in 2019. The Parade will now start at Allen School on Allen Avenue near Union Street, and proceed east to South Main Street. The Parade will turn left onto South Main Street; stopping briefly at the War Memorials adjacent to the Medford Memorial Community Center at 26 South Main Street to raise the flag, present a wreath and offer a 21-gun salute. The Parade will then re-start and continue north, turning left on Union Street. The Parade concludes in Freedom Park at 86 Union Street. The ceremony will start immediately at the conclusion of the Parade in Freedom Park.
Parade participants will include members of the VFW Post #7677, the Shawnee High School Marching Band, the Medford Police Department, the Medford Fire & EMS Department, the Union & Taunton Fire Companies, the Nam Knights, the Medford Masonic Lodge #178 and their Widow’s Sons Motorcycle Club, the Warrior Watch Riders, the NJ Youth ChalleNGe Academy, as well as many other public safety representatives and military re-enactment associations from neighboring communities.
This year’s Grand Marshall is Paul Chenier. Paul was born and raised in Southbridge, Massachusetts. He enlisted at age 17 and completed basic training at Fort Dix. After completion of basic training, he was transferred to Fort Leonard Wood for Advance Military Training, and once that training was completed, he was transferred back to Fort Dix. (*PHOTO AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST)
From Fort Dix, Paul received orders and was deployed to Vietnam in August of 1965. While serving in Vietnam, he was assigned to an Aviation company until being reassigned back to Fort Dix.
Paul has served with Medford’s Union Fire Company and First Aid Squad and became a member of Medford VFW Post 7677, now serving as a "Life Member”. In the early 1970’s he joined the Evesham Township Police Department as a Patrolman. Paul & his wife’s son Troy followed his father’s footsteps in public safety and joined the Medford Township Police Department and recently retired after serving 25 years.
A few years ago, Paul was diagnosed by the Veterans Administration as being disabled due to exposure to Agent Orange while serving in Vietnam. Despite his many medical battles, Paul has generously volunteered his time on many veterans and public safety initiatives, including the veterans memorials and monuments added in Freedom Park.
Being honored with the title of Memorial Day Parade Grand Marshall has a special meaning to him. He often visited the War Memorials in Freedom Park and recently was part of a committee that erected a monument to honor Burlington County First Responders. Someone, quite recently, made a comment that visiting Medford’s Freedom Park is like visiting Washington DC. When visiting the Memorials, I am touched and often have shed a tear remembering friends of mine that died in Vietnam and struggle with aftereffects of Agent Orange exposure. He acknowledges that he was one of the lucky ones that made it back home, but constantly, day in and day out, remembers those men and women that never made it back to their families. Paul commented that "This honor of being named Grand Marshall of Medford’s Memorial Day Parade has reminded me of those that that we have lost fighting for our freedom. I therefore, bestow this honor of being named Grand Marshall to all of our military that did not come home…..”
The Township Council invites and encourages Veterans to march in the Parade or join them in a vehicle. Local Scout troops and civic organizations who wish to march in the parade are also encouraged to do so and should contact the Beth Portocalis at the Municipal Offices ( or by calling 609-654-2608 x330. Also, participation in the parade on decorated bicycles is highly encouraged. Bikers should report to the Allen School staging area by 10:45 a.m., and must wear safety helmets.
Preceding the Memorial Day observances, on Saturday, May 25th, VFW Post #7677 is planning to perform memorial services at each of the three Medford Township cemeteries east of Main Street (Family Ministry at Branch and Filbert Streets, the Baptist Cemetery and the Odd Fellows Cemetery) in the usual sequence, commencing at 12:00 noon. The small gated cemetery on Stokes Road @ Himmelein Road is also included. Accordingly, the Parade route on Monday will not include stops at these cemeteries. On Sunday morning, May 26th, at 8:30 am VFW Post 7677 will hold a brief ceremony at the Peacock Cemetery located on Route 70 & Chairville Road.
On Friday, May 24, 2024, Rotarians from the Medford Sunrise Rotary Club and community volunteers will erect over 300 full-size American flags on 7.5’ flag poles in Freedom Park—in perfectly symmetrical rows. Medallions will be placed on flags with details of the nominated "heroes.” The Field of Honor® will remain for a full week, from May 25th through June 1st, 2024.
The Medford Sunrise Rotary organizes the Burlington County Field of Honor® each year to honor those who served—and currently serve—their community and our country. Each year during the week over Memorial Day, this inspiring and memorable display draws together residents of Burlington County to honor the heroes who have touched our lives and served our community and our nation.
The Medford Sunrise Rotary held the county’s first Field of Honor® over Memorial Day week, 2019. Hundreds of people have since sponsored a flag in the name of a person whom they nominated as having exhibited Service Above Self. Each full-sized American flag is sponsored by a resident, business or Rotary club in honor of a hometown hero: perhaps a family member who gave their life in service to our nation; perhaps a first responder who saves lives and touches our community every day; maybe a beloved family member or friend who currently wears a uniform to keep our nation safe or honoring people who demonstrate Service Above Self by touching the lives of others.
For more info, visit
MEDIA CONTACT: Beth Portocalis
Exec. Assistant to the Manager
(609) 654-2608 x330